Our Work with Utilities
Stone and Sons offer a wide range of utility services including:
- Major new construction
- Facilities upgrade
- Renovation projects
- Small projects and service work
Our goal is to provide timely, quality service that meets and exceeds the specific needs of each individual client.
Our services extend from small individual projects to major multimillion dollar new construction and renovation projects.
On Time and Under Budget
Our services include complete design from concept to finished engineering drawings, installation, repair, and maintenance.
We strive to bring each project in on time and under budget.
Our Services to Utilities
Utility services we offer can include:
- Installation of Low, Medium, and High Voltage transformers, Switchgear, Motor Control Centers, Variable/Adjustable Frequency Drives, and Starters; all up to and including 15KV.
- Standby Power Systems for 120/240V systems, 480V systems, 5KV systems, 15KV systems; including manual or automatic transfer switching and/or paralleling of system with standby power system.
- Underground/Overhead distribution of primary and secondary power, including terminations and testing up to 15KV.
- Underground/Overhead outside plant fiber optic networks.
- Fiber optic network systems.
- Furnishing and complete installation of site lighting and high-mast lighting, including erection of poles in excess of 195 feet.
- All excavation, backfill, steel reinforcement and concrete work associated with and/or for distribution systems and site lighting systems including pole foundations and equipment pads.
- Complete installation of traffic intersections, including all underground, foundations, poles, overhead, signal heads and traffic control cabinet that includes signal inputs and timing.